Hello, friends! I hope your week has been as delightful as mine. On Saturday I came up to the great state of Wisconsin and I haven't stopped enjoying myself since! I've been able to attend Melissa's installation at her new school, spend time with Melody, Karis, and Sarah, and visit professors and campus ministers at Concordia. Overall, a stellar week so far, and it will only get better tomorrow when I reunite with my friend/twin Lindsey.
I firmly believe that you can learn something from every situation you find yourself in. So even though I'm on vacation, I'm still learning! This week has taught me of the depth of the Body of Christ. I've seen a variety of people over the past five days, people from different backgrounds, careers, and generations. All of them have something incredible to contribute to Christ's work. Everything from Melissa's teaching to Melody's cello playing is vital to the ministry of Jesus, and that's amazing. I love seeing the gifts that people have and how they use them. I'm fascinated by people. That's what I've learned this week- Jesus people rock!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Know any college students? Read this!
Hello, friends! Yesterday was kind of an exciting day: my aunt Laura and cousin Haley stayed the night at our house. They were just passing through on their way to Purdue University, where Haley is starting on Monday! I'm so excited for her, and I know she'll do fantastically at Purdue.
Haley's visit reminded me that most colleges and universities are starting soon. I know Pastor Jay in Tallahassee is probably finishing up the last meal he has to cook for Go Week right about now, and tonight is the FSU Luau. Concordia Wisconsin's Campus Ministry Leadership Team will leave for their annual planning retreat tomorrow. I may not be involved with any colleges or college students this year, but I urge you to be! For my blog today I'd like to give you the text of a presentation I made while in Florida.
What's going on in the lives of college students can be summed up in one word: change. Students are in a new place, away from home and all of the amenities that home provides, such as comfort. familiarity, parents, friends, and school. When all of these things change, a student's identity is in question. They suddenly have the freedom to make choices they couldn't make before. Their parents aren't there to check their grades, or make sure they're doing their homework, or call them if they're out past curfew. They're tempted to skip class, eat all junk food, and make friends in all the wrong ways. Students are asking themselves, "Who am I when my entire world is suddenly stripped away?"
Campus ministry provides a constant in the change of college life. It provides a place that feels like home, where students can find comfort, safety, Christian relationships, and answers to the tough questions they're asking themselves. Campus ministry also reminds students of their identity. They are a child of God. This is found in their baptism, and it never changes. This identity is something they can always rely upon. The problem is, it's easy for students to forget about their faith when they go to college.
That's where YOU come in! If you're a parent or aunt or uncle or grandparent or sibling or some other obscure relative or even just a friend, you can be there for your student. Before they leave, find the campus ministry at their school. You can do this easily at LCMS-U. Tell them about the campus ministry at their school, and tell the campus ministry at their school about them. (I include the second part because college students are not known for their memory.) And while your student is away, be that constant in their lives. Keep in touch; remind them of their home and their identity. Let them know you're still thinking about them and you still care. When they're home on break, get together with them and be that reminder in person.
The LCMS-U slogan is this: "College is tough. You need Jesus. We'll help." But in order for the campus ministries to do that, they need YOUR help, too!
Haley's visit reminded me that most colleges and universities are starting soon. I know Pastor Jay in Tallahassee is probably finishing up the last meal he has to cook for Go Week right about now, and tonight is the FSU Luau. Concordia Wisconsin's Campus Ministry Leadership Team will leave for their annual planning retreat tomorrow. I may not be involved with any colleges or college students this year, but I urge you to be! For my blog today I'd like to give you the text of a presentation I made while in Florida.
What's going on in the lives of college students can be summed up in one word: change. Students are in a new place, away from home and all of the amenities that home provides, such as comfort. familiarity, parents, friends, and school. When all of these things change, a student's identity is in question. They suddenly have the freedom to make choices they couldn't make before. Their parents aren't there to check their grades, or make sure they're doing their homework, or call them if they're out past curfew. They're tempted to skip class, eat all junk food, and make friends in all the wrong ways. Students are asking themselves, "Who am I when my entire world is suddenly stripped away?"
Campus ministry provides a constant in the change of college life. It provides a place that feels like home, where students can find comfort, safety, Christian relationships, and answers to the tough questions they're asking themselves. Campus ministry also reminds students of their identity. They are a child of God. This is found in their baptism, and it never changes. This identity is something they can always rely upon. The problem is, it's easy for students to forget about their faith when they go to college.
That's where YOU come in! If you're a parent or aunt or uncle or grandparent or sibling or some other obscure relative or even just a friend, you can be there for your student. Before they leave, find the campus ministry at their school. You can do this easily at LCMS-U. Tell them about the campus ministry at their school, and tell the campus ministry at their school about them. (I include the second part because college students are not known for their memory.) And while your student is away, be that constant in their lives. Keep in touch; remind them of their home and their identity. Let them know you're still thinking about them and you still care. When they're home on break, get together with them and be that reminder in person.
The LCMS-U slogan is this: "College is tough. You need Jesus. We'll help." But in order for the campus ministries to do that, they need YOUR help, too!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Beginnings and Endings
Hello, friends! I have a fairly short blog post for you today. Just a few reflections on my week.
On Sunday, I had the incredible joy of becoming a godmother to my nephew at his baptism. Let me tell you, I loved little Kylen very much already, but there is a different element to it now. I am partially responsible for my god-nephew's faith. What a privilege and what a challenge! I was blessed with wonderful godparents (and four god-sisters), and I'm so excited to be a god-aunt to Kylen. I'm so excited to be there for him as he grows and to share my faith with him.
This afternoon, I had a more somber event to attend: the funeral of my friend's father. As I consider my god-nephew, I have to consider this: someday he will also have a funeral. It's my responsibility, privilege, and challenge to encourage and support him in faith so that when that day comes, he will enter into eternal joy just as my friend's father has. This relationship that I now have with Kylen is so very important when I think about it in those terms.
That's all for today. If you were wondering, yes, my god-nephew did scream his little heart out during the baptism. (He does that a lot.) We had a great time with family and friends. On a side note, my cousin Shannon's baby was born on Monday! Welcome to the world, Emma! :)
On Sunday, I had the incredible joy of becoming a godmother to my nephew at his baptism. Let me tell you, I loved little Kylen very much already, but there is a different element to it now. I am partially responsible for my god-nephew's faith. What a privilege and what a challenge! I was blessed with wonderful godparents (and four god-sisters), and I'm so excited to be a god-aunt to Kylen. I'm so excited to be there for him as he grows and to share my faith with him.
This afternoon, I had a more somber event to attend: the funeral of my friend's father. As I consider my god-nephew, I have to consider this: someday he will also have a funeral. It's my responsibility, privilege, and challenge to encourage and support him in faith so that when that day comes, he will enter into eternal joy just as my friend's father has. This relationship that I now have with Kylen is so very important when I think about it in those terms.
That's all for today. If you were wondering, yes, my god-nephew did scream his little heart out during the baptism. (He does that a lot.) We had a great time with family and friends. On a side note, my cousin Shannon's baby was born on Monday! Welcome to the world, Emma! :)
Friday, August 7, 2015
Hello, friends! My last few blog posts have been more on the serious side, so today I decided to have some fun and talk about some of my favorite things: TV shows, movies, and books. More specifically, I want to talk about the characters that I find most inspiring in those three mediums.
After you read through my picks, I want to hear yours! Comment here or on Facebook and let me know the television, movie, and book characters you find most inspiring.
The character I find most inspiring on television comes from the short-lived show called "Forever." Detective Jo Martinez inspires me because she is so real. She has no mysterious past to uncover, a la Kate Beckett, Ziva David, and Emma Swan (from "Castle," "NCIS," and "Once Upon a Time," respectively). Instead, she is a normal person, affected by a normal, everyday tragedy. She is driven by the desire to make the world a better place, even as she discovers what "better" means for herself. She honestly cares for people and often puts them above herself, but she can't always do that, and she knows that it's okay to put herself first sometimes. It's hard to put into words, exactly, but Detective Jo Martinez struck a chord in me that doesn't get played very often.
My most inspirational movie character can be found in the "How to Train Your Dragon" franchise. Nowhere else will you find a character named Hiccup! Hiccup inspires me because he changes. He starts out the first movie as a rebellious, snarky, friendless kid who can't do anything right. By the end of the second movie, he's a thoughtful, kind, fearless, and strong leader. (The snarkiness hasn't gone anywhere, but that's okay.) In addition, Hiccup changes not only himself, but others. His growth inspires others to grow. That's the kind of leader I want to be, which is why Hiccup inspires me.
Finally, books. As you can guess if you know me at all, this was the most difficult choice. Therefore I've chosen two characters. (I know, I'm disobeying my own rules... but I just had to. Also, they're my rules, I can break them if I want to.)
The first character I picked is Keladry of Mindelan, from the "Protector of the Small" series by Tamora Pierce. The series title really says it all: Keladry is the protector of the small. She sees value and worth in everyone, from sparrows to refugees, and she goes out of her way to look out for them.
The second character is Neville Longbottom from the "Harry Potter" series by J. K. Rowling. The odds were stacked against Neville from the start. He had to fight for every inch of growth and success. But he never gave up, and eventually, he became a hero.
There you have it, the characters that inspire me most. What about you?
After you read through my picks, I want to hear yours! Comment here or on Facebook and let me know the television, movie, and book characters you find most inspiring.

The character I find most inspiring on television comes from the short-lived show called "Forever." Detective Jo Martinez inspires me because she is so real. She has no mysterious past to uncover, a la Kate Beckett, Ziva David, and Emma Swan (from "Castle," "NCIS," and "Once Upon a Time," respectively). Instead, she is a normal person, affected by a normal, everyday tragedy. She is driven by the desire to make the world a better place, even as she discovers what "better" means for herself. She honestly cares for people and often puts them above herself, but she can't always do that, and she knows that it's okay to put herself first sometimes. It's hard to put into words, exactly, but Detective Jo Martinez struck a chord in me that doesn't get played very often.

My most inspirational movie character can be found in the "How to Train Your Dragon" franchise. Nowhere else will you find a character named Hiccup! Hiccup inspires me because he changes. He starts out the first movie as a rebellious, snarky, friendless kid who can't do anything right. By the end of the second movie, he's a thoughtful, kind, fearless, and strong leader. (The snarkiness hasn't gone anywhere, but that's okay.) In addition, Hiccup changes not only himself, but others. His growth inspires others to grow. That's the kind of leader I want to be, which is why Hiccup inspires me.
Finally, books. As you can guess if you know me at all, this was the most difficult choice. Therefore I've chosen two characters. (I know, I'm disobeying my own rules... but I just had to. Also, they're my rules, I can break them if I want to.)

The first character I picked is Keladry of Mindelan, from the "Protector of the Small" series by Tamora Pierce. The series title really says it all: Keladry is the protector of the small. She sees value and worth in everyone, from sparrows to refugees, and she goes out of her way to look out for them.

The second character is Neville Longbottom from the "Harry Potter" series by J. K. Rowling. The odds were stacked against Neville from the start. He had to fight for every inch of growth and success. But he never gave up, and eventually, he became a hero.
There you have it, the characters that inspire me most. What about you?
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