Tuesday, August 30, 2016

All Heaven Breaks Loose, Part 2

Hello, friends! Nearly two years ago, I wrote a blog post titled "All Heaven Breaks Loose." In it, I talked about how life as an LCI missionary had changed completely with the beginning of the new school year. 40,000 people had arrived and things were heating up. Let me quote from the end of the post for you:

"Is it chaos? Yes. Is is crazy? Of course. Is it an opportunity for witness the likes of which I've never seen before? Absolutely, and I am so glad that God has put me here to "break heaven loose" on this campus."

Once again, I am faced with the beginning of a new school year, and things are heating up. Sunday School Rally Day was this past weekend. Midweek School begins tomorrow. Starting September 11th, we will have high school youth group once a week. Is it chaos? Oh, yes. I have so much to do, so much to organize, so much to remember... It's chaos in my head and (shockingly) on my desk. Is it crazy? That's an understatement. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for weeks. Is it an opportunity for witness the likes of which I've never seen before? Absolutely, and I am so glad that God has put me here to "break heaven loose" in Enid, Oklahoma.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Single Life Struggles: Episode 3

Hello, friends. Another episode for you today.

Single Life Struggle: when you already spend nearly an hour on your daughter's hair every day, and then you and your daughter both catch lice, and suddenly you're spending multiple hours several days in a row, using and specially treating multiple combs, while also trying to get the **** things out of your hair, and you don't have anyone around to look at your own head and tell you if you've gotten them all, and you just want an extra pair of eyes and hands to help you.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Send Me Jokes

Hello, friends. I'm writing to you from my office at church. My head itches, despite my best efforts to the contrary. I'm tired. My back hurts. I had a lot on my plate at work today, but I accomplished almost none of it; the majority of my day was spent ridding my house, my hair, and my daughter's hair of lice.

To sum it up: I've had better days.

But my dog is curled up beside me. My daughter is at home, about to go to bed. I know that I will wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready for a new day.

Lice is a pain. But there are worse things.

I am reminded of a particular cross country practice during high school. We were out of breath, sweating profusely, complaining at every turn about the heat and the workout, when suddenly my friend Anna says, "What are you talking about? I feel quite cold. I think I need a parka."

It turns out, we didn't need a break; we didn't need to slow down or find some air conditioning. What we needed was a laugh and a better attitude. I think that's what I need today, too.

Anyone got any good jokes? ;)

The In-Between

Hello, friends, and welcome back to Iowa Girl Meets World! In this episode, Iowa Girl sits in a borrowed chair in her bedroom and contemplat...