Sunday, December 9, 2018

Cleaning through Depression

Hello, friends.

On Friday, I cleaned my living room. It really needed it. Depression makes it hard to do anything other than what's absolutely necessary, and I am a very messy person even when not depressed, so my living room was a pigsty. Now it's clean. There are no piles of papers on my desk, no collections of empty boxes on the floor, no little pieces of trash everywhere.

My kitchen is clean, too. I did that yesterday. Again, it was a deeper clean than usual. My counters and table and floor are all cleared off.

My plan was to clean my bathroom and den today, but I think my temporary burst of energy is gone. I got the bathroom done. That's all I could do.

You may wonder why I'm detailing my cleaning for you. I tell you all of this because I know I'm not the only person on my Facebook friends list who has depression, and I want you all to know as I learn myself that whatever you can do, it's okay. It's enough. It may not be great, but that's because depression is not great. It's not a reflection on you. I refuse to be more down on myself because I couldn't finish my tasks. The fact that I started them is already better than it could be.

Be kind to yourself. And find people who will be kind to you when you can't do it. You don't have to go through this alone.

The In-Between

Hello, friends, and welcome back to Iowa Girl Meets World! In this episode, Iowa Girl sits in a borrowed chair in her bedroom and contemplat...