Thursday, January 15, 2015

Strengths and Snowballs

Hello, friends! Welcome to my first normal blog post of the new year. I'm getting back into the swing of things here in Tallahassee -- I've been meeting with students, writing devotions, bothering Matt, leading Vespers... Since not much "new" has really happened in the last week, I thought I'd take this opportunity to reflect on a few things from last semester.

Before my missionary year started, Pastor Jay had me read a book called "Strengthsfinder 2.0." This book and the survey that came with it pointed out some of my strengths. They included: Belief, Connectedness, Futuristic, Input, and Learner. (I'll explain those more in a minute.) Not long after arriving here, Pastor Jay had me read another book called "Permanent Revolution." It told me that I am a Shepherd and Teacher. (Again, more explanation to come.) As I look at the last six months, I can see where all of these characteristics have come out in my work. Here's how.

  • Belief: I have core values that are enduring and give my life meaning and satisfaction. This has come into play more than anything else. When I moved to Florida, I was homesick and lonely, but I couldn't wait to start my work, because I knew that I was meant to share the love of Christ with others. My Belief has also helped me to overcome my homesickness and loneliness and find my place here, because I knew that the one thing that mattered -- God -- was here, even if my friends and family weren't.
  • Connectedness: I believe we are part of something larger; there is a purpose to everything that happens. This came into play particularly on November 20th, when there was a shooting on campus. Although it was horrible, it was also an opportunity for ministry. My students came together and reached out to their friends. A student who had fallen away came back to the church. We were allowed to witness in new ways on campus. Everything really is connected in God's plan.
  • Futuristic: I'm a dreamer; I'm energized by visions of the future. I saw this just recently, on my first regular work day. I spent hours reflecting on what happened last semester and dreaming about what could happen this semester. I've also started thinking about the future beyond July. I hope I will have interviews coming up, and I'm getting ready for them by establishing how working in campus ministry has prepared me for youth ministry.
  • Input: I'm inquisitive; I find many things interesting and exciting. I've done a good number of new things since moving here. I've visited a student in the hospital, written devotions, consoled students after a shooting, prepared Bible studies, done long-term planning, attended staff meetings, handed out sandwiches to the homeless, learned about gardening, started a blog... I love the variety, and I find all of these things fascinating and fun.
  • Learner: I love and am energized by the process of learning. This is similar to Input, but I think there's a distinctive difference. Input is about doing a variety of things; Learner is about diving into them and discovering all there is to know about them. I love preparing Bible studies because it requires me to, well, study the Bible. I love staff meetings because they encourage me to think more deeply and out of my box. 
  • Teacher: I'm concerned with comprehension, understanding, and wisdom. One of my favorite things this semester has been leading Vespers, but that's not the only teaching-related item on my agenda. I'm teaching my student leaders (sometimes directly, mostly indirectly) about leadership in the church. And in return, they're teaching me about leadership in the church. A teacher should always be willing to learn!
  • Shepherd: I believe in the power of people in loving, healthy community. I've found my personal motto in my Shepherd identity: people matter. Numbers are not important; people are important. If we have a huge group of students, but they don't support and encourage one another, we have nothing. But if we have a small group of students who support and encourage one another, we have something amazing. And that amazing thing will naturally grow. It's not about the numbers -- it's about the people.
Okay, I'm done being deep and thoughtful now. You can relax. Here's a picture of me throwing a snowball at my mother to snap you out of it!

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