Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Some Sense (But Not Much)

Hello, friends!

Yesterday was nonsense day, so naturally today is "some sense" day.

I just googled "some sense" to see what would come up, and basically the results were variations on "talk some sense into you." So here is my attempt to talk some sense into all you people out there who clearly need it more than me.

Read books! Even the weird ones (like "The Real Mother Goose" ... yes, I'm still confused and will keep bringing it up) can bring you joy and entertainment and help you learn. I'm currently reading two books, because of who I am as a person, so I recommend "Trickster's Choice" by Tamora Pierce and "Redwoods and Whales" by Phil Collins.

Do your dishes! Normally I would not use an exclamation point in the same context as doing my dishes, one of my least favorite activities, but seriously, clean dishes are so helpful. Your kitchen is always cleaner if you don't have unwashed dishes around, you can then eat off of the clean dishes (and who doesn't love eating?), and it's a relatively quick way to feel productive. If you need a way to feel good about yourself, do your dishes.

Play games! I recently (and mostly accidentally) dominated a game of Life. It was amazing. Please share your most recent game experiences.

Watch basketball. It's awesome. True fact.

And last but not least, find some nice-smelling things and enjoy them. Candles, lotion, shampoo, body wash, bacon, your significant other... It's worth it!

Okay, there's your some sense for the day. Return tomorrow for the finale of the trilogy, "much sense."

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