Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Playlist Prompt #17: "Learn to Fly"

Hello, friends! Today's prompt, courtesy of Lindsey, is the song "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters.

The chorus seems to give the best summary of the song:

"Now I'm looking to the sky to save me / looking for a sign of life / Looking for something to help me burn out bright / I'm looking for a complication / Looking 'cause I'm tired of lying / Make my way back home when I learn to fly high"

According to Dave Grohl, the song is about "the search for some sort of inspiration, the search for signs of life that will make you feel alive." 

I know this search well! I am always looking for something that will make me feel like I'm doing more than just surviving. My search for inspiration has led me to people (my friends, my daughter, my niece and nephew, etc.). It has led me to work (specifically the Lutheran Campus Initiative, my job at Redeemer, and now my job at Concordia). It has led me to writing. Growing up, my search led me to sports and school and youth group. Recently, I've turned to hiking and cooking and Marvel movies.

You may have noticed that my search has led me to a lot of places. That's because I'll never find lasting inspiration here on Earth. Everything is fleeting.

"I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind." (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

 Knowing that nothing will satisfy me is actually helpful. It's a reminder that I'm not doing this whole "living" thing wrong. Nothing on Earth is supposed to satisfy me, because Earth is not where I belong! Someday, I'll get to Heaven, to the place that Jesus has prepared for me, and I won't have to search for inspiration anymore. It will be literally at my fingertips all the time. Isn't that a wonderful thought? 

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